Saturday, April 17, 2010


Assalamualaikum, oyasuminasai everyone ! Feels like blogging tonight, i miss posting entries to this blogs *hugs* Yup, i miss my blog so much. hehe

This whole week, i've been so busy and it's seems like tomorrow gonna be a busy day too.
Gonna have Math D,
MIB presentation and also Bio's test on Monday. And i'm looking forward for the upcoming Mid Year Exam which is gonna be next month (wuw, time is sure fast) Hmm.. I am worry if i couldn't manage to study well. Everyday seems to be busy and tiring day. Now it's weekend night, i want to take a rest and have a break from studying but all the schools works have to be done. And i always dumped all the s'works for the tomorrow morning(which is Sunday) but then i ended messing up with the time management and get stressed.

Anddddd....I'm joining the Dikir Syarafil Annam. I was signing for nasyid at first though but then it's full but i'm still happy to be participating in the group ^_^

Well, i think that's all for tonight. Thanks for the reading and once again, OYASUMINASAI!

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

''Jangan pernah mengeluhkan orangtua kita tentang bagaimana mereka mengatur kita. Percayalah bahawa mereka lebih tahu apa yang kita perlukan dan lebih tahu apa yang baik bagi diri kita. Justeru bersyukurlah apabila mereka memberi teguran, pandanglah ia(teguran mereka) sebagai sebuah nikmat bukan sebagai hal yang dibenci. Kasihilah dan hargailah mereka. Jangan sampai kita menyesal di kemudian hari apabila semuanya sudah terlambat. Ketahuilah, anak yg derhaka tidak akan mencium bau syurga....''

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